Mobile version of BgRnD Website

2 Weeks
1 Developer
Oleg Grabets
BgRnD.com Website on Mobile Devices


We have successfully developed and delivered a mobile-friendly version of a website for our valued client, BgRnD Software Development.


This project involved utilizing the powerful capabilities of the WordPress CMS to create a seamless and responsive web experience for mobile users.

Our team of skilled developers and designers collaborated closely with BgRnD to understand their specific requirements and design preferences. Leveraging the flexibility and customization options offered by WordPress, we crafted a visually appealing and user-friendly website that adapts seamlessly to various mobile devices, ensuring optimal functionality and an exceptional browsing experience.

Key features of the mobile-friendly website

  1. Responsive Design: The website automatically adjusts its layout, content, and navigation to provide an optimal viewing experience on smartphones and tablets of different screen sizes.

  2. Intuitive User Interface: We implemented an intuitive and user-friendly interface that enhances mobile usability, making it easy for visitors to navigate through the site and access relevant information effortlessly.

  3. Enhanced Performance: We optimized the website's performance by employing industry best practices, such as minimizing loading times, optimizing images, and implementing caching mechanisms. This ensures fast and efficient browsing on mobile devices, improving user engagement and satisfaction.

  4. Mobile-Specific Functionality: We integrated mobile-specific functionalities, such as touch-friendly menus, swipe gestures, and mobile-optimized forms, to enhance user interaction and streamline the user experience on mobile devices.

  5. Seamless Content Management: Leveraging the power of WordPress CMS, BgRnD now has full control over their website's content, allowing them to easily update, modify, and add new content sections as needed. This empowers them to keep their mobile audience informed and engaged with the latest information and offerings.


Our team meticulously tested the mobile-friendly website across various devices and browsers to ensure cross-platform compatibility and optimal performance. We also implemented robust security measures to protect against potential vulnerabilities and ensure a safe browsing experience for BgRnD's mobile users.


By delivering a mobile-friendly version of their website powered by WordPress CMS, we have helped BgRnD extend their online presence and reach their target audience effectively in the rapidly growing mobile landscape. The optimized user experience and seamless content management capabilities will undoubtedly contribute to their business growth and success.